And then today marching down my Twitter feed was a Wall Street Journal article about Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos' claim that Amazon's eBook sales outpaced hardcovers. Now the article was quick to state that Amazon never released hard numbers; only the relationship between e- and paper-book sales were given. Even if the numbers released (or really, not released) turn out to be off, it is getting increasingly harder to ignore the presence of eBooks. Bezos may be wrong in stating that eBooks have reached their tipping point, but they do seem to have established themselves as a strong player in the book market.
Anecdotally, I have seen more and more people using them on the subway. With the iPad and iBookstore the formatting options have been greatly expanded, as well as the number of consumers with eBook capable devices. But this concise summary in itself exposes the major dilemma facing any consumers considering investing in an eBook reader: which one? Although any purchase involves a certain amount of comparison, the problem with eBook readers is how proprietary they are. Put simple, a Kindle is designed to only read eBooks purchased from Amazon, and Amazon eBooks are only meant to be read on a Kindle. While there is talk of removing these restrictions, who knows if and when that will happen and exactly what form the changes will take. So then the consumer doesn't just have to choose between the merits of the individual reader, but also decide which store to purchase all eBooks from in the foreseeable future.
Personally this is probably the biggest reason why I wouldn't even consider an eBook reader now. The market is still in flux, and until there is some semblance of consistency, I don't feel like locking myself into a technology that might be obsolete in a year (just think of all those suckers who bought HD-DVD players just before Blu-ray won out).

But there are two things I am sure of: eBooks have taken a foothold in the book market and once their potential is realized, they will be a viable and beneficial option for consumers. What that potential ends up being, is still anyone's game. But if this video is any indication, the future is friendly.
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